The results of several mid-winter aerations to remove ice are shown in the photo. #17 green saw 4 different aerations, each following a different direction to remove the ice layers during the winter. We knew we would have aeration holes to deal with in the spring, but the upside is evident in terms of healthy and slightly stunted turf. The downside to having done nothing to eliminate the ice conditions of winter would be to have dead greens. As it was there were many areas of the golf course that were under ice for over 120 days. Within 7 to 10 days of the greens warming under a permeable cover, we began mowing the greens and added a topdressing to fill in the holes and allowing the turf to begin knitting.
Here we are topdressing #8 green following a mowing. Once topdressed with sand heavily, we brush the sand level into the holes and replace the cover to continue with the healing process.