Hole #1

Friday, July 16, 2010


At times throughout the season you may notice tiny holes in the green surface. This is from 1/4" mini-tines which poke holes in the surface to allow for better oxygen penetration of the root zone. This greatly benefits the health of turf to infuse more air especially after a rain event or other stressful period. Some greens, due to their location, do not dry out or get as much air and wind across the surface as others.
The photo is taken of the aeration machine making the small holes on #16 green July 15th. Dry sand was previously applied after mowing the green. After aeration the sand is brushed into the holes and is rolled to smooth out any depressions. The process does not impact playability except for the presence of sand on the surface. This lasts for a couple of days before the sand and holes are no longer visible.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Topdressing Greens

Throughout the season when you see topdressing sand on the greens this is the typical method that we use to apply it. Kiln dried sand is fanned out onto the green surface with the topdresser. At times we may use walk behind fertilizer spreaders to apply it to smaller areas or sod spots.
Dry sand is an excellent product to use given our location where the turf stays moist for long periods of time where we cannot apply "wet" sand and let it dry before brushing it in. Conversely the dry sand drops down into the grass neatly when lightly applied. Topdressing sand is applied to provide a medium for turf to grow into in addition to smoothing the playing surface and controlling thatch buildup.

Painting Cups

Painting the Cups

For special days or events we paint the exposed bit of rootzone material that sits directly above the cup. This enhances visibility and gives the golfer more of a "pro" tournament experience. The device in the photo is aptly called the "Tidy Whitey" and sprays special paint using 4 nozzles for a clean, white look.